Fit for the future
Technology & Innovation Hub
Mauritius encourages innovators to setup technology and fintech companies under the Regulatory Sandbox License Scheme.
The Mauritius Research Council offers various Innovation and Commercialisation Schemes.
Mauritius as an innovation hub
Regulatory Sandbox Licence (RSL)
The Regulatory Sandbox Licence framework is pivotal for the development of innovative products and services, including fintech-enabled services, for which there are currently no regulatory structure under Mauritian Law. The RSL will be issued by the Economic Development Board.
Currently, the RSL is sought after by new businesses based on blockchain technology. Innovative companies can operate without running any risk resulting from unclear laws or lack of regulations.
The Mauritius Sandbox license is one of the best in the world, offering the entrepreneur the legal certainty and economic freedom that he is looking for.
Innovation and Commercialisation Schemes
“Shaping up the Mauritius of tomorrow through research, technology and innovation“

The Mauritius Research Council (MRC) acts as a central body to advise Government on Science and Technology issues and to influence the direction of technological innovation by funding research projects in areas of national priority and encouraging strategic partnerships.
The MRC offers several Innovation and Commercialisation Schemes as follows:
Intellectual Property Promotion Scheme (IPPS)
The purpose of this scheme is to encourage individuals, enterprises, industry and R&D institutions to take advantage of the mechanisms for protecting innovation currently offered by the industrial property system in Mauritius.
National SME Incubator Scheme (NSIS)
The main aim of the NSIS is to encourage the creation of Innovative businesses for the socio-economic benefit of the Republic of Mauritius through a nurturing and training process in a conducive environment provided by Accredited Incubators driven by the private sector. The Accredited Incubators will select, coach and mentor innovative business start-ups as early as the idea stage. The NSIS will fund (on a 50:50 matching grant basis) Accredited Private Sector Incubators.
Proof of Concept Scheme (PCS)
Research and Innovation Bridges
Collaborative applications from consortia of company(ies), Research Organisation/ /Academic Institution from Mauritius and Partner Countries, for innovative, collaborative research and development projects with commercial potential, being in line with the following priority areas:
1. Renewable Energy
2. Ocean/Marine Technology, Resources and Services
3. ICT/BPO/Telecommunications
4. Life Sciences
5. Manufacturing