Strategic Position of Mauritius
Gateway to Africa
Mauritius is the preferred financial and administrative hub for doing business and making investments in Africa.
Why Africa?
Africa’s Key Performance Indicators
- Second largest continent of the world – as big as the US, Europe, India, China and Japan combined
- Huge market consisting of 54 countries
- 1.2 billion people (2017) => 2.5 Milliarden (2050e)
- Most market segments are unsaturated
- Sub-Saharan Africa: Strong growth dynamic, second after Emerging Asia
- National economies of many countries are growing by >6% p.a. since many years
- Top performer 2018e: Libya +16.4%, Ethiopia +8.6%, Ivory Coast +7.4%, Rwanda +7.2%, Senegal +7.0%
- Export oriented countries have fallen behind due to decreasing commodity prices
- Oil producing countries (i.e. Angola, Nigeria) are currently facing problems. However, in the case of high inflation as an inevitable result of exploding money supply these countries might have the brightest outlook
- High population growth
- Rural exodus; migration into cities => rapid expansion of primary cities
- Growing middle class => increasing consumption
- Rapidly growing demand for energy
- Heavy expansion of agricultural output can be expected – which is urgently needed for worldwide food security
- Commodities with Africa having a significant portion of world resources: Platinum, Palladium, Cobalt, Tantalum
- Countries being very rich of natural resources: Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, Nigeria, Zambia, Gabon, Guinea
- Africa is heavily underexplored, i.e. number of oil drillings: Northe Sea 10,000, East Africa 400
- Big interest of China in Africa’s natural resources
- Africa’s richness of natural resources is blessing and curse at the same time
Investments in Africa should behave relatively stable (resilient) in an international portfolio because:
- Low financial inclusion
- Low debt of most African countries
- No bubbles in most asset classes due to low access to credit
- However, there are currency problems (limited convertibility) in some countries (i.e., Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia); specific country risks apply (i.e., South Africa)
Most attractive economic sectors in Africa

How can we assist you in your Africa-related projects?
Together with our local business partners in South Africaa, Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and other countries we are offering various consulting services to entrepreneurs, companies and investors. We are primarily focusing on implementation. This includes company formation, search for suitable joint venture partners and selection and assessment of investment projects. 6 keys are relevant for a successful market entry:
- Where are the most appropriate markets ?
- Which key persons have the best access to market?
- What kind of business model shall be applied to which target group?
- Which capitalization strategy to be favored, and which sources of funding would be practicable?
- Experienced and reliable partners with the right mindset and excellent contacts
- Which products or services which target groups?