Cost of Living in Mauritius
What does it cost to live in paradise?
The cost of living is significantly lower than in developed countries!
The following graphs are based on data from, where the costs in countries around the world are compared with the costs in New York City. Country data is based on an average of all cities.
For the following country comparisons, the base for Mauritius was chosen as 100 and the indices of the comparison countries were set in relation to this.
Further below, the cost of living in Mauritius is compared with that in other low-tax jurisdictions.

In Mauritius, the rent level is 50-60% lower than in Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
This comes as a surprise to many, as travelers know Mauritius as a high-price destination with expensive to very expensive hotels.
However, there is a huge difference between short-term rentals, which are relevant for tourists, and long-term rentals, which last at least one year. The latter are much cheaper than short-term rentals. This can mean paying less rent for a single house in Mauritius than a 3-bedroom apartment in a Western European city.

The Cost of Living Index (Excl. Rent) is a relative indicator of consumer goods prices, including groceries, restaurants, transportation and utilities. Cost of Living Index does not include accommodation expenses such as rent or mortgage.
Life in Mauritius is about a quarter cheaper than in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively.

The Restaurants Index includes prices of meals and drinks in restaurants and bars.
If you go out to eat in Mauritius, you pay about 40-50% less in the restaurant than in Germany, the United States, France and the United Kingdom, respectively.

On average, food in Mauritius costs about the same as in Germany and the UK.
However, there are major differences in the categories:
- Basic foods (e.g., rice) and bread are much cheaper in Mauritius than in Germany. A long French baguette costs only about 0.20 euros.
- Imported foods, including especially sausage, cheese and ham, cost two to three times as much as in Germany.
- Fish, on the other hand, is significantly cheaper.
The cost of rent and living in Mauritius is much lower than in other low-tax jurisdictions:
In most popular low-tax jurisdictions, rental rates are at least double or triple those in Mauritius.
When establishing global business companies in most low-tax countries, a formal office must be maintained to demonstrate the required economic substance, making rental costs alone a significant cost factor.
In Mauritius, on the other hand, no office needs to be rented to prove the required economic substance.

The cost of living in Mauritius is significantly lower than in most popular low-tax jurisdictions.