About Hartmut Sieper
Curriculum Vitae
Professional experience
Personal background
Professional Background of Hartmut Sieper
Higher education
Hartmut Sieper studied Chemistry and Geography at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, with education science and geology as minor subjects, and excursions into IT and business administration.
Apprenticeship for becoming a banker.
Hartmut worked for various banks in the Frankfurt area. He specialized in the listed securities sector.
His functions included investment adviser, stock market strategist, options & futures principal, wealth manager, financial analyst and finally deputy head of the financial analysis department.
Management board member
As a board member of a listed private equity company, Hartmut was one of the first financial professionals who focused on the newly established stock markets in Eastern Europe in the early Nineties.
The company was successfully doing stock market transactions and foreign direct investments. Hartmut Sieper was leading the operations in Poland, Latvia and the Ukraine, and organized the company’s IPO on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Business Consultant
In 1997, Hartmut founded his first consulting company. He advised young, innovative companies, prepared business plans and supported them in pre-IPO financing rounds. After 2001 he shifted his focus to established medium-sized companies vand large corporates.
Some years after having transformed his LLC into a stock corporation, he exited from the company.
Seminar provider and public speaker
Since the mid of the Nineties Hartmut held own seminars and workshops on the topics: Technical analysis, business plans, commodities, emerging markets and Africa-related investments. All of them were successful in the market.
Additionally, he was a speaker on domestic and international conferences and congresses (including AFSIC 2019) and appeared regularly in the German business TV.
Hartmut wrote his first book „Dia & Tonbildschau“ (slide sound shows) during his time at the university. He authored numerous articles and essays for print and online magazines, as well as several specialist books about capital markets, including the best seller „Geldanlage professionell“ (“Professional investing”, 1990) and the benchmark book „Investieren in Afrika“ („Investing in Africa“, 2008).
Fund manager
From 2007 Hartmut Sieper specialized in the emerging and frontier markets in Africa.
Again he was one of the first stock market professionals who discovered a new geographical investment region. He managed a Pan-African equities fund domiciled in Luxemburg from 2009 to 2014.
Africa specialist
Hartmut built a broad network of business contacts in Sub-Saharan Africa since 2006. He founded several companies in Mauritius, Nigeria, Zambia and Ivory Coast.
His clients are Western companies looking for access to African markets, entrepreneurs in need of a professional business plan, and investors searching for direct investment opportunities in Africa.
Hartmut’s extensive travels in more than 75 countries, and his activities on the capital markets in Eastern Europe and Africa widened his horizon.
Advisory clients who want to expand their business in the direction of emerging and pioneering countries or diversify their investments benefit from his broad experience and international network.
Emigrated to Mauritius
Hartmut emigrated to Mauritius at the end of 2015 – a step he has not regretted for a second.
Here he is living his dream with his family and helping other Germans and Europeans to gain a foothold in Mauritius as well.
Some personal statements
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What excites me
Exploring new markets, building contacts to people of other cultures, solving problems with new technologies, creating alternative investment opportunities. Shaping changes actively (instead of rejecting it or just allowing it to happen).
Being an optimist, I think in possibilities and opportunities, not in impossibilities and limitations. I make things happen and help others doing the same.
I am a passionate traveler and have visited 75 countries worldwode, most of them several times.
What I stand for
I believe in God and that every human has a purpose in life.
There are many opportunities for engaging in improving the living conditions of many people in our world of today. This drives me, and I like doing good while doing business.
In my leisure time I engage in the International Christian Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), where I am a member since 2006 and Vice President of the new chapter of ICCC (Mauritius). As a young adult I was active in the YMCA Frankfurt, and later became a co-founder of the Frankfurt chapter of the “Internationale Vereinigung Christlicher Geschäftsleute und Führungskräfte” (IVCG; International Association of Christian business people and leaders). Furthermore, I was a member at “Christen in der Wirtschaft” (Christians in Business).
Why I emigrated to Mauritius
When I realized that I was riding a dead horse in Germany it was time for me to set out for new frontiers. Mauritius being an established financial place and ideal jurisdiction for holding companies is the perfect base for my businesses and investments in Africa.
However, the most important reason for my relocation was my zeal for freedom: Freedom in doing business, in making investments, in new business development and not to forget freedom of speech. Mauritius is one of the most business friendly countries in the world with low tax burdens, reasonable regulation and high degrees of freedom in all material aspects. Many things are so easy that it sounds unbelievable, at least for a German who is used to live in a highly regulated environment: For my personal annual tax declaration, I just need 20 minutes at my computer.
What I am concerned about
Sonner or later, the exploding sovereign debt crises in the US, Japan and most European countries will lead to a collapse of our world financial system. It has already become dysfunctional since zero or even negative interest rates should not exist in a free market economy.
The drastic lockdown measures of the COVID-19 crisis has triggered and accelerated the biggest economic collapse in modern history. However, it has not caused it.
After the Coronavirus crisis will be over (2021 or latest 2022), the economic and financial problems will remain. The national economies will suffer – but it will not be the same in all regions of the world and across all economic sectors.
In fact, there are areas and sectors with tremendous business potential. I will focus on these. My current projects are in the sectors of water, food, agriculture, exploration, health services, blockchain-related and other disruptive technologies.
Foresighted business owners, investors and high net worth individuals already prepare themselves for the coming events and the ‘new normal’.
What independent consulting means for me
You can expect an authentic, independent, unbiased opinion. I will not subordinate to political correctness, and I am not dependent on any opinion leader in politics or media.
Therefore, I can provide truly independent advice. Since I am no longer living in Germany, I do not have to be considerate of any company, employer, regulatory authority, broadcast channel or political party in Germany or the EU.
I do enjoy the high level of freedom in my new country of residence – not least with regard to the benefit of my clients.
What I dream about
Some dreams in my life already became reality. Since my apprenticeship at a German bank I had the strong desire to run my own business. Ten years after that I exited from my banking career and started my own thing.
I discovered my talent for writing when at age 22 I had the bold plan to write a book about photography and slide sound shows and to offer it to a reknown publishing company. My first book was successful and paved the way for many more book titles in the future.
With regard to Mauritius, I can say that I arrived in a kind of paradise already! My dream of making an exit from “the system” has become reality. From here, I am helping other people to internationalize their business and to grasp opportunities that usually remain closed if you are located in the EU.
How others can benefit from me
My clients benefit from my broad spectrum of knowledge, skills and experiences. I am a structured, punctual and well-organized person. These are typical German virtues, and I am grateful on this part of my cultural heritage.
I am a passionate networker and love to be inspired by conversations and encounters with people from all over the world. I like to share useful contacts with others.
I am fully engaged for my business partners and clients, always trying to give 110%. If necessary, I go the extra mile.
My African business friends and I are strictly aginst corruption. We do not support any corruptive practices. This mindset is essential for ethic oriented investors who consider investing in our projects.
Thinking some years ahead, I see many changes in the technological, financial and societal arena. Great paradigm shifts will have dramatic effects on economic sectors, job profiles, investment strategies, social systems and individual life concepts.
I love to work with men and women of action who do not put up with deteriorating conditions and lack of perspectives but want to leave for a new place. Here, I can assist them in their decision making processes and implementation.